Couples, Couples Therapy, marriage, Marriage and Family Therapy

What You Have to Offer that Pornography Does Not: A Message to Women

finger couple

Note: Even though both males and females may hurt their partners with pornography use, this article is directed toward a typical couple presentation with a male user.  Because this post has been misunderstood a number of times, I want to point out that my overall point is that human connection is a large part of the antidote to addictive behaviors, and when men are in active individual porn recovery, women need to understand that they offer the ability to connect in a way porn does not.  I realize that many men who have learned to cope by choosing to numb themselves out by using porn or other substances may not respond to the availability of connection.  I am concerned that women start believing they have to provide or become pornography to keep their partners from using, and that is a losing battle.  You cannot compete with pornography from a visual standpoint, because the images are supranormal.  You do have an advantage in the long-term recovery process, however, by being a three-dimensional person.  If you would like additional clarification, I would be happy to hear from you.  This post wasn’t written frivolously–Having seen couples in therapy since 1989, I am a witness to how pornography has proliferated and hurt marriages in the last few decades.  I’m not naive to its lure. Women are not responsible for men’s porn use, and men have individual responsibility to stop using it, but committed relationships provide one of the best contexts to heal from its use.  

I sighed as I sat across from an impeccably dressed, doe-eyed female client.  She was tearfully explaining how she didn’t think she could ever bring herself to be physically safe with her husband again after finding out that he had been viewing pornography, even though he was actively involved in individual and group therapy to discontinue its use and had achieved several months of sobriety. He was working very hard to change the destructive pattern in his life and in his marriage.  As she wept, she made her message clear, “How am I ever supposed to feel close to him again after knowing what he has been viewing on the computer?…I mean…I can’t compete with that…I can’t compete with those women.”

I answered without missing a beat, “Those women can’t compete with themselves either—first because they are false images, implanted, airbrushed and otherwise enhanced and second because one pornographic image of an individual isn’t satisfying over the long term.  That is exactly why a pornography habit is not characterized by viewing one ‘perfect,’ female, but by repeatedly seeking novel images designed to fuel an insatiable need for the next sexual high.”

My heart ached for her as she sobbed, and I momentarily yearned for the year 1989, before the internet provided such easy access to pornography which was wreaking havoc in so many marriages.  I handed her a tissue, leaned in close and waited for her to make eye contact with me.  I wanted to make sure that when I responded to her, she was tuned in and emotionally regulated enough to hear me.  I spoke slowly and carefully to emphasize a message I believed in, but which I knew was counter to popular culture.

I lowered my voice for emphasis.  “As a female, I know about the prevailing messages you hear around you all the time in our image-driven society.  I know pornography is everywhere and it feels hopeless.  However, I must adamantly disagree with what you just said, and I hope you, or at least a part of you will be able to hear me.  I must tell you that I see something quite different than you do from my work with couples.  The way I see it, you actually have a huge advantage over pornography.  You are a three-dimensional person who has the capacity to be a connected friend and lover in a way that pornography never can.  Ultimately, pornography cannot furnish what you can potentially provide in a relationship.  It leaves its users dissatisfied.  You actually have the ultimate competitive advantage over pornography.  The trick is to leverage those advantages.”

Don’t misunderstand me.  I’m not naïve.  I’m deeply aware of the proliferation and ubiquitous use of pornography and its resistance to treatment.   I’m familiar with the neuroscience explaining some of the powerful reinforcing properties of internet porn and its associations with a unique physically rewarding delivery system, shaping the brain in profound ways.  I have seen too many cases displaying some of the long-term effects of its use, and the relapses which so frequently plague its users.

However, I reject the fear-mongering which routinely accompanies reports of pornography use, because I believe in many ways we give pornography more power than it deserves.  Overwhelm and hopelessness generate powerlessness, and in couple relationships, this is death in the form of ultimate disconnection.  When women believe they “can’t compete,” with porn, they often hand themselves over to sexless, friendless, lonely marriages, further victimizing themselves.

A typical scenario is one in which a husband is either caught or volunteers the information that he has been viewing porn.  Since this is a betrayal of the committed sexual relationship in the eyes of many women, they end up feeling deeply wounded.  They don’t understand the porn use.  They make sense of it by believing that they were somehow not “enough,” for their husbands.  They can’t be physically intimate without worrying about what their husbands have been viewing, and if they are measuring up.  If they have struggled to be engaged sexual partners, this exacerbates the personal feelings of failure.  It is so painful, that they often just disengage from any attempt at a couple physical relationship at all.

Even though they aren’t ever to blame for their partners’ porn use, the withdrawal often increases the probability of a husband viewing pornography again to medicate the loneliness, which leads to more betrayal, and on the cycle goes.  Both partners end up ultimately lonely and isolated and feel helpless about how to fix it.  Husbands don’t know how to fix the betrayal in the past and wives don’t know how to ever trust their husbands or feel like they are “enough,” making sexual contact too risky.

I do not want to minimize the pain and complexity in a marriage with a history of porn use. These situations are deeply personal and intense, highly nuanced, and often layered with sexual traumas and other sexual impediments.  However, I believe it is a movement toward healing for women to realize how much they have to offer their long-term committed partners that pornography cannot offer.  In a sense, I am hoping women will take their power back.  This isn’t meant to pin the responsibility for healing on the female partners, but to help them access hope that recovery is possible, and to increase their recognition of their unique value in long-term relationships.

Here’s just a quick, off-the-cuff list of things a real committed partner can provide in a relationship that pornography cannot:

  1. Words of reassurance
  2. An intellectual discussion about an idea
  3. A walk together
  4. A pick-up tennis match
  5. A recreational bike ride
  6. A shoulder rub
  7. A sincere, spontaneous compliment
  8. An inside joke
  9. A list of meaningful memories
  10. A photo album of days of yore
  11. Real friendship
  12. Actual skin-to-skin contact, promoting the release of specific “bonding hormones.”

My experience leads me to believe that both males and females alike ultimately want to feel emotionally and physically connected to their long-term partners.  However, as life happens, they often get detached, and when porn is accessed by one of the partners, the ensuing betrayal makes it seem nearly impossible for them to find their way back to connection.  I know it is painful, but giving up is not the answer.

Really, as a first step, we must stop giving pornography so much power. 

Pornography is in no way improving the overall quality of sexual relationships, but rather diminishing it.  We are so flooded with sexual images that much of the mystery that historically fuels excitement is absent.   In that regard, we are all victims, male and female alike.

We can improve our relationships by focusing on the unique aspects of real bonded togetherness which pornography completely lacks.  Couples can also begin generating new conversations and new experiences together in order to unite against pornography, leaving it behind.

Again, the road may be long and rocky and likely circuitous, but there is a way back to recovery.

Choose one item from the list above and start taking your relationship power back today!  Exercise your relationship power in a way that pornography cannot.

24 thoughts on “What You Have to Offer that Pornography Does Not: A Message to Women”

    1. What your conveniently leaving out is men who prefer porn (most men) who chose not to interact with women on the sexual level is men get the human interaction they need as humans just by interacting with both sexes in public and when alone.. Quick chat at the store.. Talking to people they know on the phone and even with just texting and posting on Facebook and more. Men do not need physical contact to survive to a ripe old age.
      Men know that the women in porn are impossibly beautiful with great makeup and just before shooting also during the producers cuts during the sex hair, great lighting We are aware that most women don’t have the bodies porn girls have. We are aware most women won’t do the sex acts we want to do with public women.
      We men change whats on our minds when it comes to what attracts us about a woman’s body and the sex acts we want to do with them daily if not hourly. One day its huge breasts the next its small and good shape. One day we want to spank a woman and tie her up and thrust like a jackrabbit, the next we want to go slow warn her up and be gentle with deep kisses and holding her tight deeply locked onto her.
      So what do we get if we go back to chasing women to get them interested in us? Eventually what after much time wasted till we get our penises stimulated with physical touching are we in for?? What we get is a nightmare of small problems that instantly crop up every time that could grow to huge problems in the far off future. Women have a huge arsenal of weapons that can use against and man who displeases them. The worst being a false rape claim. The chances a women who seems good turning evil is just to high a price to pay.
      So we men just can’t see a down side to masturbating to a perfectly groomed and lighted woman naked engaged in sexual act, acts that our minds are on that second and when our minds turn to a different situation its just a voice search away..
      I know that with how women are that in the future men who never married or lost money on a woman are going to be financially secure in our old age and never married and divorced un-married women are going to be hiding in the dark cracks miserable alone, broke because they never saved up, and angry at men.
      Got to go now I just thought up a new sexual act I want to see if some porn producer has thought of and filmed.. Odds are I will find it…


      1. That’s all true for men who have learned to disconnect from emotions, attachment needs and relationships, sadly, and for that they pay the price of staying alone and not having the experience of really being seen and bonding with someone in a safe, predictable relationship. Attachment is a universal human need. When attachment has been compromised, sure, people will find ways to distract, medicate, disconnect, and hide–and sadly, it’s a compromise in real overall relationship quality. Sex is only one way to connect, and in our hypersexualized world, too many people don’t know how to connect otherwise. I’m not leaving anything out–porn does not and will never offer real genuine emotional responsiveness. The gift of being seen closely and flawed by another person, and accepted in a way that promotes emotional growth never happens in porn. The only chance of it ever happening is in a real relationship with another human, and it is possible.


    2. What do I do when being present and supportive isn’t enough? I loved your post, but, it made me realise that I have given all of myself and pushed all these negative feelings aside to try and allow for his healing which still hasn’t happened. His behaviour is the same. Now I feel like I am neither physically or romantically enough.


      1. This is a tough issue for couples today. Sometimes couples therapy can help and is a place where you can find a competent couples therapist in your area.


    1. We are wired to be attracted to others–that’s not unusual, but people who value their long-term monogamous relationships must also make decisions in favor of preserving the relationship at times. If the relationship is secure, people are more likely to sacrifice for their partners. They are less likely to do so if the overall relationship is strained. People make decisions to put their relationships at risk everyday, but it’s not recommended for relationship preservation. Exploring novelty within the relationship might be a substitute for some people.


  1. This is all good and well . So if us women are to see that we offer so much more than potn and therefore should be valued more highly , why is it men so seldom see this and choose to put their desire for porb above our feelings
    Where is their responsibility in treating women as if we are more importbat than porn , as if our feelings matter .
    It’s fine to tell a woman she offers so much more than porn but very hard for her to believe when her husband chooses porn over Her feelings repeatedly
    I would argue that its a form of abuse and asking a wife who is hurting to just believe she offers more is like telling a beaten women that he doesn’t really mean it and she is a worthwhile person . Of course she is , but it changes nothing until men change their behaviours and start treating women they claim to love as if we matter.


    1. I’m afraid you are misunderstanding the intent of my post. I’m aware that it is painful to be married to someone who has been viewing pornography, and I don’t advocate it ever in a marriage because it becomes a competing attachment to the marriage, just like drugs, alcohol, infidelity, technological affairs, work, video games, hobbies, etc. can be, becoming more important than the spouse in a marriage. Also, any ongoing addiction, affair or abuse is unacceptable. I’m not saying here that pornography is acceptable or that men shouldn’t be held responsible. Anyone who has ever been in therapy with me knows that. The reality of healing any kind of addiction, though, is that real human connection is a huge part of the antidote, regardless of the addiction, and pornography certainly contains enough addictive properties to be in this category of behaviors. My intent is that to ever heal a marriage, women first need to believe that they have something to offer that pornography does not, and that thing is REAL human connection. This post is written for people who want to heal their marriages whose husbands are in active recovery. Of course, if a husband continues to view pornography, he will never be safe at all and the wife won’t be able to ever believe she can attach to him. I am concerned that too many women are just buying into the lie that they need to compete with or become pornography, which is impossible anyway. Here is a TED talk explaining how human connection is the antidote to addiction:


      1. I agree with your comments to women to boost up their self-esteem. But most porn users are not getting therapy and won’t. In fact, society totally accepts the use in spite of the damage it does to their relationships and partners . The myth put forth to justify it is that men have such a strong sex drive their partner is not enough to satisfy their desires. men have even come to prefer porn to their women and actually no longer want the responsibility of marriage and monogamy. It is a celebration of male right to selfishness. Porn further causes disrespect of women, adultery, violence, and divorce. Men stupidly keep it secret thinking women won’t find out. They want to hold onto the respect they have received from women. Porn use is shameful and embarrassing for good reason. It diminishes men’s ability to have fully satifying sex with real women. So it robs men of their masculinity and full desire to give women. Women do not get the full focus from men they deserve and damages how well men perform
        sexually with them. When women realize what has happened, they lose both their sexual desire and respect toward the men. They become pathetic weakings to the women, with no self control. The respect men are said to need even over love evaporates.


      2. I agree with everything you said. Unless men are in full recovery, nothing changes. Unfortunately, you are correct that most of society condones pornography use and doesn’t acknowledge the detrimental effects. Many of my clients are from a conservative religious population in which many of the men are in treatment to recover from pornography, but this is likely not representative of the population at large. Active porn use diminishes individuals and relationships in all the ways you identified.


  2. My long term boyfriend and I have been fighting for 6 months about sex. In the beginning it was just that we weren’t having it enough. Then we started fighting about small things that didn’t matter, which always led to the fight about sex. It was always an uncomfortable conversation for him and then slowly I was able to uncover that he felt pressure to perform. I didn’t realize until recently that we had fallen into a cycle of fighting and it became a threat to our relationship. Every failed effort on my part diminished my confidence to try again. Every time he saw I was hurt he felt that he wasn’t close to me and didn’t even want to try.

    He believes he is not attracted to me in the sexually desirable way because of porn. And that he has me on a pedestal and feels that it is shameful to think about me in that way. During the fights his side was always the same – that the fighting didn’t help and it made him feel less close. He was hopeful that it would be okay if we just focused on our relationship and bonding and having fun ( a lot of what you’ve said).

    I’ve stopped here to comment because this is the only thread I’ve come across that dicusses the power of human connection. I personally don’t have a problem with him viewing porn but I do see that it has a negative impact on our relationship. We stopped fighting and we are just trying to be happy without sex. I realized I was too focused on wanting to have sex “regularly” than listening to what he said would help him. I want to believe it will because the alternative is leaving him and who is to say the next guy won’t have the same addiction. Porn is everywhere. Aside from that I love him and I’m happy …but for this one thing.

    My concern is that he still watches porn and doesn’t think stopping will make a difference. More than anything I want to stop fighting about this so I’ve let the sex thing go for now. Our relationship is great other than a this issue. We spend a lot of quality time together and are constantly touching. We respect one another.

    Although we’re not married I want to make this relationship work. There is definitely an added pressure though because we are not married. I’m just not sure when it is time to call it quits.


    1. The sad reality is that pornography viewing can affect sexual performance, and sexual bonding is an important part of a close romantic relationship, so if he doesn’t see that it impacts the relationship and you see that it does, you might have to make a difficult decision about whether or not you can continue a relationship that doesn’t feel entirely safe and predictable in that sense. Unfortunately, this is happening more and more.


  3. Hi Lori, I appreciate the intention of your post however I can’t help but note that all of the things you more can be provided by ‘friends ‘ . A hug , memories , inside jokes . That’s all friendship. Nothing different . The hormones from touch can be released from parent/child contact , friend contact .
    What many of us women want to offer our men is sexual desirability . The desire that they give to the women in porn and herein lies the issue for many of us . The very special unique thing that we should be providing to our parter SOLEY … He decides to get from other women . Visual and sexual stimulation and unfortunately that CANNOT just be overlooked simply by the fact we can also have relationships with these men just like we can with other people in our lives .
    We want something deeper with our husbands ! Something that included OUR unique gift of OUR special and sacred sexuality and the sharing of our body . When they use porn they reduce this to less than meaningless and no amount of ‘friendship ‘ heals that wound


    1. I completely agree with you. The sexual system is one of the unique facets of romantic attachment relationships. The reason I did not address sexual partnership here is that so many women feel violated by pornography when I see them in therapy that it turns them away from sex–sex becomes very triggering. Many of them feel objectified during the sexual act and view themselves as objects or play things. I purposely mentioned things outside of sexuality which can expand other facets of the relationship. A safe, bonded attachment relationship is identified by partners taking turns reaching out to each other for emotional needs (which is sometimes entwined with sexual need) and responding to those needs. As stated at the beginning of the article, healing the attachment injury of pornography assumes sobriety or at least effort on the part of the spouse to understand how it is injurious and to stop that behavior. A partner who continues to view pornography and reject a spouse sexually isn’t safe under any circumstances, and friendship doesn’t replace that. I did not mean to suggest that. I am simply pointing out that ultimately a three-dimensional person offers the level of responsiveness that pornography can’t. Pornography is a pseudo-connection instead of real human connection. Some men will continue to be dismissive in their attachment relationships and choose those pseudo-connections–and they will always be unsafe to partners who are hurt by pornography use. I hope that makes sense.


    1. Thanks so much for your feedback! I really believe it has too much power in keeping us withdrawn in our relationships and constantly fearful, which is no way to live life!


  4. I think this is one of the best, most sensitive yet realistic articles I’ve read on this matter. I have not yet read anything with this angle (that real women actually have much more power than porn).

    That being said, my personal view is that that also takes a lot of strength. Assisting someone with any addiction does. And in my opinion, I wouldn’t stay with someone who had a drug addiction due to the high likelihood that it will be a lifelong struggle & risk of relapse. So, in the case of pornogroahy addiction which not only would have the same nuances of recovery as any addiction, but also directly impacts an essential piece of a healthy & loving relationship-that’s a big fat ‘forget it.’ If any man I’m with has an all out porn addiction-they can live happily ever after on their own. It is not worth the pain in my eyes. Because quite honestly- even if a woman ‘gives’ all the aspects of normal healthy human companionship that you are ultimately saying a lack of contributes to poem use-guess what- it’s apparently true that men will still use porn, and pretty much all of them will/do. Well then honestly-I’d rather be alone. Seems like this pointless work is to be left up to those ladies who inherently don’t have a problem with porn. I am not one of them.


    1. So true, Sarah! When pornography diminishes the safety of a monogamous sexual relationship, it’s impossible to really connect, and emotional intimacy will be compromised. The goal in these cases is still abstinence from porn and in some cases where a partner is not invested in change, it’s less distressing to be alone and alone than in a romantic relationship and feel alone. I totally agree.


  5. I just found out on April this year. I cannot honestly seem to shake the feeling of not being enough for him anymore. I often think I would be better dead than alive dealing with this pain.
    It doesn’t seem to matter to me how he says differently…my body somehow doesn’t want to believe what he says.


  6. Hello
    I have read through the numerous posts and I wish to say this for all your lovely readers who are currently devastated due to their partner’s online pornography use. As a woman who has now left her porn obsessed husband (a beautiful man with dark good looks and a sweet and angelic air about him – the type of gentle unassuming man in the room that all women gravitate to and beg him to have their babies), if you believe you know the extent of your husband’s porn addiction think again. THIS IS THE MESSAGE I WISH WOMEN TO KNOW:
    I was lied to over the whole duration of our long relationship and marriage – I have my tragic diaries and numerous counselling transcripts that demonstrate how deeply confused, lonely and distressed I was for those 4 years of being in the (pornography) dark – nothing made sense. For 2 years I seriously believed he was gay – he took so little interest in my body and the sex was a huge effort for him – but I determinedly continued to ‘force’ him….. so desperate was I to maintain ‘a sexual connection’ between us which I now know simply didn’t exist in the first place. Making love was a robotic and unemotional process that left me heart broken, feeling humiliated and ultimately devastated. My beautiful sexy underwear went unappreciated – rejected. I tried everything the counsellors advised to ‘get him going’. Nothing. When I first found out the shocking truth by finding porn evidence of temp files on the family laptop he smashed the computer preventing me from viewing them properly. Over the years, time and again he promised he would not view pornography but ultimately was using every technical strategy to view it without my knowledge. Ironically by confronting him he was able to identify the method that no longer worked for him and changed how he accessed porn. The only way I finally found out again that he was using was by covertly recording him by his PC and unfortunately for him, his strategy of using ear phones to remain undetected failed badly – I could still hear the female moaning and groaning of his all day porn viewing session as I was out of the house with my terminally ill parent… 😦 Oh and of course due to his obsessive desire to view the porn, this extremely intelligent man overlooked the obvious point that when his masturbation reached a ‘crescendo’ his reaction could be heard. He couldn’t even be bothered to wash his hands – yet that computer and keyboard was used by all of the family. He simply did not accept responsibility for his obsession and ultimately blamed me. I now know through my own counselling that my husband is a COVERT narcissist and that pornography obsession, the love of oneself through masturbation is the ultimate narcissist trait and the dysfunctional response to loving sex, preferring controlling, nasty dirty online sex or with strangers… (Read Sam Vaknin – Malignant Self Love). What I will never forgive, cannot forgive, are the chronic lies and ‘gaslighting’ that went along with his secret pornography obsession that lasted well over a decade – I was made to feel neurotic, jealous and over-reacting and as the relationship deteriorated the mental torture upped a gear, unattractive and fat (at 8stone 8!). He literally forced me to breaking point with his chronic lies and devaluation. What I am trying to relay (and badly), if you don’t feel that your partner is acknowledging his pornography use/obsession then you need to start digging further by all means possible. FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCTS – WOMEN HAVE AMAZING INNATE INSTINCTS THAT DETECT THAT SOMETHING IS STILL NOT RIGHT/IS UNTRUE – if you feel this way do not ignore your body. He may like my beautiful husband, have a dysfunctional personality and porn use is a trait of this – from my experience he won’t recover in order for porn to be removed from his life. Now for my final submission. If you find pornography on your computer DO NOT confront your partner until you have recorded and investigated ALL the evidence of the porn…. You must not (as I stupidly did) give him his right of reply until you are FULLY aware of exactly what he has been doing through YOUR OWN research (and with WHOM if this is the case). DO NOT confront him until you have a full grasp of true events – most men will NOT tell the truth and there may be a secret life going on that you would divorce him for if you knew the full horrible details. My husband smashed the laptop when first being confronted all of those years ago – he said he was angry and ‘humiliated’ – but now I realise it was to cover up the type of porn and evidence he didn’t want me to see. For reasons of my ‘extremely toxic divorce’ I had a technician attempt to recapture the images, temp files and cookies having kept the laptop in a secret place for 6 years and I was able to view some of his hidden life (he is unaware of this still but that is my silver bullet). It appears whilst we had only been married for a few years, he was accessing sex hook up sites (I thought I was proving my trust by not continually ringing him and asking what he was up to – how wrong I was), had a LIVE porn membership Jasmine, online interactive porn and some pretty aggressive porn sites. It was clear he was not only leading a secret online porn life but over time this porn use had ‘spilled over’ into his real life. THAT is why I wanted to reply…. Chronic porn use sadly often leads to live porn sites, then sex meet ups and many of the woman who advertise for sex end up being prostitutes in another guise. That is the true reality for those men who get sucked into the world of chronic pornography use. Save yourself heartache and distress – keep calm and remain focused. Take back control and think calculatedly and carefully – information and evidence is power. Read up on as many porn obsession books as you can (I found The Porn Trap : Maltz to be very helpful). Only then can you make the decision on how you proceed in your marriage/relationship and whether it is truly hopeless or worth saving. Personally I think that any prolonged need for pornography and the unashamed lying that goes with it, is a red light that signals the death knell for a marriage – why put yourself through the constant agony of being his mother continually monitoring him… life is too short. We are all beautiful in our own way and deserve to be loved in all ways and every way. If your investigations throw up huge issues give him an ultimatum, a time frame of changing his ways and if this fails leave the relationship. I am poorer now and the future is scary and unknown, but when I dance around my home to my favourite songs wearing my favourite makeup and high heels, I feel filled with hope for the future and a sense of true joy even though I am dancing alone – all feelings that I lost over the years of my marriage. Good luck and I hope you find at last true joy again even if it means you make the journey alone and without the person you once adored and worshipped. 😉


    1. Thank you for pointing out that if you are feeling uneasy about things, accepting a spouse’s answer at face value is often not enough. That’s true. Deception is unsafe and unfortunately, many people use it to maintain destructive behaviors and are clever enough in their deception to make their spouses feel crazy. People will hide and lie about porn use if they want to. They will find a way and sometimes measures to uncover deception are required. If there isn’t transparency, there isn’t safety. Ever.


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